The Missing Cloud Programme Roadmap The First Iteration of The Cloud Programme Roadmap Looking for a generic cloud adoption programme roadmap? Something that sparks industry-wide collaboration? Here's the first iteration!
The Missing Cloud Programme Roadmap The Missing Cloud Programme Roadmap Looking for a systematic, comprehensive, incremental, and data driven roadmap for your journey to the cloud?! Then here's your answer!
TMCPR: The Cloud and Enterprises Cloud in Highly Regulated Industries is Even Harder Cloud in an enterprise is hard. Cloud in highly regulated industries even harder. Making it a resounding success is extremely hard. But there's hope!
TMCPR: The Cloud and Enterprises Cloud is Hard Cloud in an enterprise is hard. A lot harder than most people might think. And yet so easy to get wrong. Don't make the same mistakes!
TMCPR: The Cloud and Enterprises Cloud is Part of the Future The cloud is changing the business landscape. But it's also a once-in-a-generation opportunity for enterprises. Don't be left behind!
TMCPR: The Cloud and Enterprises The Cloud and Enterprises The cloud inspires grande visions of a brighter future. But then migrating to the cloud is hard. A lot harder than you might think. Find out why.
TMCPR: Executive Summary Key Factors: The Organisation and Humbleness Want to know the key factors to a successful cloud programme? Here's what's required from the organisation. And everyone. For the epic task ahead.
TMCPR: Executive Summary Key Factors: The Cloud Programme Want to know the key factors to a successful cloud programme? Here's what the cloud programme needs to take into consideration.
TMCPR: Executive Summary Key Factors: The Impact of Cloud Want to know the key factors to a successful cloud programme? Start with the impact the cloud has on everything. And the forces it unleashes.
TMCPR: Executive Summary Iteratively Executing the Delivery Pipeline The delivery pipeline is built. Now, iteratively deliver your cloud products. Build what matters with Minimum cloud Products. Find out how.